- Justin Foley, John Pitre Jr., Kathleen Ropella, & Ashley Verhoff.
Workshops on Fundamental Engineering Skills: A Graduate Student Led Teaching Initiative
- Justin Foley & Jamie Phillips.
Pre-Class Online Modules: “Low Cost” Version of a Flipped Classroom?
- Alexander Ganago, Matthew DeMonbrun, & Sudarshan Sivaramarkrishnan.
Development of student motivation in a required Electrical Engineering (EE) course for non-EE majors
- Carlos González-Cabezas, Mary Wright, Olivia Anderson, & Margherita Fontana.
Exam questions developed by students lead to higher cognitive level of learning
- Anne Greenberg, Melissa Gross, & Mary Wright.
Effects of Image-Based and Text-Based Activities On Student Learning Outcomes
- Gina Hedberg, Benjamin Koester, & Timothy McKay.
REBUILD: Researching Evidence Based Undergraduate Instructional and Learning Developments
- Ann Jeffers & Paul Beata.
Learning Outcomes of an International Service Learning Project in Civil Engineering
- Elsie Kaufmann, Ibrahim Mohedas, Shanna Daly, & Kathleen Sienko.
Characterizing the next generation of medical device innovators: Ghanaian student perceptions of biomedical engineering
- Julia Kramer, Shanna Daly, Seda Yilmaz, Colleen Seifert, & Richard Gonzalez.
Design Processes in an Upper-Level Design Course: An Evaluation of Design Heuristics
- Lisa Lattuca, Michael Brown, & David Knight.
Influences on Engineering Instructors’ Emphasis on Interdisciplinarity in Undergraduate Courses
- Steven Lonn, Cinda-Sue Davis, Darryl Koch, Joanna Millunchick, & Stephanie Teasley.
Using Digital Badges to Recognize Undergraduate Engineers’ Co-Curricular Learning
- Nicole Michelotti, Jared Tritz, David Winn, & Tim McKay.
Using E2Coach to Encourage Peer-to-Peer Learning
- Ibrahim Mohedas, Shanna Daly, & Kathleen Sienko.
Longitudinal study of students’ use of design ethnography during a capstone design course
- Mary Jane Northrop & Elaine Wisniewski.
Flipping the Classroom for Technical Communication Lectures in Large Lecture Courses: Student Perception and Performance
- Tershia Pinder-Grover & Anne Greenberg.
Leveraging Choice to Motivate Ongoing Professional Development for New Graduate Student Instructors
- Sara Rimer.
Preliminary Results on the Experiences of Liberian Women Studying Engineering
- Sara Samuel, Paul Grochowski, Natsuko Nicholls, Leena Lalwani, & David Carter.
Students, Vendor Platforms, and E-textbooks: Using E-books as E-textbooks
- Perry Samson.
Data Mining Student Notes and Questions
- Laura Sanchez-Parkinson, Thalia Maya, Shanna Daly, James Holloway, Lorelle Meadows, Amy Conger, & Kathleen Sienko.
Culturally Contextualized Design Process: The Trajectory of Engineering Student Learning
- Elizabeth Stewart, John Younger, & Michael Solomon.
Interdisciplinary Graduate Student Learning in ChE 696: Microbial Soft Matter
- Samuelina Wright, Eli Silk, Shanna Daly, Kathryn Jablokow, Meisha Rosenberg, Wesley Teerlink, & Seda Yilmaz.
An Expanded Ideation Metric for Assessing the Variety of Design Ideas
- Steve Yalisove.
Scalable Engaged Learning Environments: Replacing Traditional Large Lectures With Little to No Extra Cost