Rhonda K Holton is a lifelong learner and STEM educator with a passion for people. After earning her B.A. in Physics and Astronomy from the University of Colorado in 2012, she worked primarily as a classroom instructor across multiple educational realms, from college to community college to K-12 and public outreach. In 2023, Rhonda earned an M.Ed in Educational Technology from Northern Arizona University and joined CRLT-Engin as an Instructional Consultant in 2024.
She collaborates with CAEN, NEXUS, and the CoE on topics like flexible instructional delivery, personalized learning, and research-informed technology integration. The swift change in technological tools over the past decade has widened the gap between education research and classroom practice, and generative AI has demonstrated the importance of a human-centered, equitable approach to technology integration in the classroom. Rhonda wants to empower both instructors and learners to take control of these tools and of their learning data, using them to support decision-making, spur self-reflection, and connect with the learning community.