Grad Students


CRLT-Engin promotes evidence-based practices in engineering education so that students and instructors from diverse backgrounds and social identities can learn and thrive.

10 Ways Grad Students Can Connect with CRLT-Engin

1. Confidential 1 on 1 Consultations

Engineering Teaching Consultants (ETCs) can discuss a variety of teaching-related topics with you, from time management and lesson planning, to authority in the classroom.

2. Student Feedback and Class Observations

An ETC can gather Midterm Student Feedback (MSF) and share ideas to improve your class. An MSF includes a pre-meeting, class visit, post-meeting, and a written report.

3. Teaching and Learning Workshops

Each semester, CRLT-Engin offers a series of teaching workshops that will leave you with new ideas and strategies that you can apply to your current or future teaching.

4. Inclusive and Equitable Teaching Website

CRLT-Engin has assembled an on-line array of teaching strategies, many from College of Engineering (CoE) instructors, that support inclusive and equitable learning environments.

5. Student Instructor Teaching Orientations

CRLT-Engin organizes equity-focused orientations each term for new CoE instructors on a variety of topics such as leading labs, teaching problem-solving, using technology in the classroom, and active learning methods.

6. Practice Teaching Sessions

Practice Teaching sessions give instructors an opportunity to deliver a brief lesson to a small group of their peers and receive constructive feedback.

7. Paid Professional Development in Engineering Education

Interested graduate students can apply to become an Engineering Teaching Consultant (ETC). Opportunities to facilitate practice teaching sessions and workshops also exist.

8. U-M Graduate Teacher Certificate*

Document your professional development in college-level teaching. Enroll and track your progress at

9. Preparing Future Faculty Seminar*
This 10-part seminar offers doctoral candidates an introduction to course design, assessment, inclusive teaching, and insight into working in academia in preparation for faculty positions.
10. Diversity and Inclusive Teaching Seminar*
Co-facilitated by The Program on Intergroup Relations (IGR), this 4-part seminar uses a team-based approach to introduce GSIs to inclusive teaching principles and practices.

*This program is developed and offered by the Center for Research on Learning and Teaching on Central Campus.