CoE Faculty Mission CRLT-Engin promotes evidence-based practices in engineering education so that students and instructors from diverse backgrounds and social identities can learn and thrive. Download PDF for Faculty 10 Ways CoE Faculty Can Connect with CRLT-Engin 1. Consult with a Teaching Expert Meet confidentially with a CRLT-Engin Consultant to address any teaching and learning questions you have. 2. Promote Equity-Centered Engineering Receive tools and strategies to incorporate DEI into your course and align with Michigan Engineering’s DEI culture shift. 3. Align Technology with Teaching Connect with a consultant to explore the pedagogical alignment of technology implementation in your classroom 4. Gather and Analyze Student Feedback Improve your class by enlisting a consultant to observe your teaching and survey students. 5. Enhance Your Teaching Attend CRLT-Engin professional development workshops on a variety of teaching and learning topics designed for engineering instructors. 6. Connect with a Faculty Learning Community Discuss teaching concerns and build relationships with other CoE instructors in teaching circles and communities of practice. 7. (Re)Design Your Course Connect with consultants and colleagues to support significant course revision or the development of wholly new courses. 8. Consult with an Expert on Projects and Research Apply a pedagogical lens to study design, implementation, assessment, and publication. 9. Attend Specialized New Faculty Training Hit the ground running after new faculty orientation training with CRLT-Engin consultants. 10. Maximize Your Teaching Team’s Potential Work with your entire teaching team (faculty, GSIs, and IAs) to create and implement a well-designed course plan.