CRLT-Engin promotes evidence-based practices in engineering education so that students and instructors from diverse backgrounds and social identities can learn and thrive.
1. Support Strategic Goals in Teaching and Learning
Brainstorm, plan, and lead discussions on new college-wide educational initiatives in areas such as experiential learning, academic integrity, innovative technology, etc.
2. Design and Deliver Customized Workshops and Retreats
Facilitate virtual and in-person workshops and conversations focused on teaching in faculty meetings and department retreats.
3. Promote Equity-Centered Engineering
Provide tools and strategies to incorporate DEI into your curriculum to align with the Michigan Engineering’s DEI culture shift.
4. Inform Instructional Technology Integration
Support strategic decisions about teaching with technology, informed by pedagogical research and teaching experience.
5. Facilitate and Assess Curricular Revisions
Support faculty and committees to inform curricular revisions and processes based on assessment data.
6. Consult on Teaching and Learning Research
Apply a pedagogical lens to scholarship of teaching and learning work, supporting study design, implementation, assessment, and publication.
7. Support Course Design and Redesign
Guide programs and faculty in effective course revision or development of wholly new courses.
8. Connect Related Units and Departments
Facilitate alignment of goals and projects across distributed units supporting teaching, learning, and technology.
9. Explore Alternatives to Evaluate Teaching & Learning
Consult with leaders on topics such as peer review, alternative assessment strategies, etc.
10. Disseminate Strategic Communications
Examine evidence-based practices in teaching and learning, compile reader-friendly summaries, and prepare actionable communications for the CoE community.