Begin with a Problem: Using Inductive Learning to Engage STEM Students

October 6, 2022

Location: Hybrid: Johnson Rooms, on the 3rd floor of the Lurie Engineering Center (1221 Beal Avenue, Ann Arbor, MI 48109) + Zoom

Registration link:

Organizer: CRLT-Engin

Audience: Faculty, Postdocs, Graduate Students, & Undergraduate Students

Description: In traditional approaches, instructors present general, theoretical concepts first, solve example problems next, and leave applications for students to solve during homework. Inductive learning turns that sequence around. Starting with a problem or question serves to engage students, and motivate learning the concepts and techniques. In this (completely revamped) session, you will examine examples of inductive learning strategies. You will then have an opportunity to consider how to apply them in your own classroom.


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