Evidence-Based Teaching Practices to Shape Your Response to AI Writing Tools

June 26, 2023

Registration Link: https://crlt.umich.edu/event/136074

Session Abstract: New artificial intelligence (AI) tools, such as OpenAI’s ChatGPT, have now become widely available and are raising concerns about how student learning can be assessed. Some have reacted with alarm, proclaiming that this is the end of writing assignments. Others argue that if these tools are brought into the classroom, they will further enhance student learning. Many instructors are wondering what changes they should be making to their classroom, given the uncertain impact of this technology. In this synchronous, remote workshop, instructors will be introduced to evidence-based teaching practices that should shape how they respond to the new technology. While the impact that AI Writing will ultimately have in the classroom is unknown, the impact of certain teaching practices, such as creating inclusive learning environments and providing active learning opportunities, are well understood, and should guide any response.

Additional Information:

Session Format: Remote synchronous (Zoom)

Intended Audience: Faculty, Graduate Students, Postdocs

Facilitator(s): Nick Cobblah

GTC eligible? Yes, B2


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