Jule Schatz
EECS 183: Elementary Programming Concepts
To better understand and acknowledge the systematic inequalities first-generation and minoritized students face due to a virtual class environment, Jule Schatz sought a way to enhance virtual learning. To achieve this, she designed and taught two new lab sections for students in EECS 183 that focused on fostering a greater sense of community. In these sections Jule implemented a new series of short growth activities which included topics such as imposter syndrome, future developments in computer science, and values affirmation. Through participating in these activities students found that they were able to build a greater sense of belonging and community, and, as a result, they were more willing to share their personal experiences. Even though these activities only took up a small portion of the class (about 20 minutes each), a positive impact on the culture of the lab was observed. By approaching each student as an individual, Jule’s change to the structure of the lab was able to build a stronger classroom community and more capable and confident students.