Mackenzie Warwick
NERS 491/492: Nuclear Engineering and Radiological Sciences Design
After winning the NERS Outstanding IA award for a previous NERS course, Mackenzie’s aim as a GSI was to make meaningful and significant contributions to her students’ experiences. With that in mind, she integrated new lecture content that focused on societal and cultural impacts, enabling students to quickly comprehend the importance of their projects. Additionally, she worked towards introducing key content that formed a broader perspective of impact. Her efforts paid off, even leading to positive changes at a course administration level. Her dedication to nuclear engineering and excitement for teaching is unequivocal, and she is committed to fostering a positive environment for her students to learn in. Mackenzie’s sincerity towards helping her students was revealed when she went the extra mile to individually meet with each student before the semester had started. That devotion carried into the school year as she spent between 10 and 15 hours a week outside of the course working with her students. Sharing her passion as an instructor and playing part in her students’ learning remained her focus throughout her course.