Stefany Escobedo
EECS 461: Embedded Control Systems
Facing the challenges of teaching during a global pandemic, Stefany Escobedo implemented an effective new way for her labs to collaborate while adhering to social-distancing guidelines. Using two computers, one to screen share and the other to monitor breakout rooms, Stefany was able to help lab groups more efficiently. This also enabled student lab groups to meet with each other, which allowed students to have the opportunity to embrace their skills as a teacher by explaining concepts to other students. Because of this, there were fewer repetitive questions, and students were more willing to step out of their comfort zone. Stefany also impacted her students by being an extremely involved teacher. For example, most students come from different academic backgrounds regarding their experiences with binary math and bit manipulation. Rather than just using her previous lecture slides and recordings, Stefany made the time to host live, optional online sessions so that students who have questions or want personal guidance can reach out to her. Despite the challenges she faced, Stefany demonstrated the flexibility, creativity, and perseverance required to be an outstanding teacher.