Yevgeniy Yesilevskiy
ME 350: Design and Manufacturing
Yevgeniy, or Yev, as his students call him, sees himself as a calm voice that simultaneously alleviates students’ stress and coaches them to the answer. ME 350 is a hands-on project course that can suddenly become overwhelming for students when something about the wiring or circuitry of their project stops working. Yev helps his students by tirelessly troubleshooting with them and maintaining their sanity in a high stress environment. His philosophy of “breaking the monotony” carries over to whenever he talks in front of his students. Knowing that around halfway through the students’ interest will begin to dim, he plans some way to break the dullness and make the students laugh, thereby building his relationship with them and re-engaging them in the material. His students leave the class with a renewed interest in the subject matter and fond memories of a course that most find extremely stressful.